============ Contributing ============ Contributions to distro-tracker are greatly appreciated! You can contribute in many ways, be it writing documentation and blog posts, or fixing bugs and implementing new features. Join the community ------------------ The recommended way to send feedback is to write to the Debian Quality Assurance mailing list . You can also reach us using IRC on the #debian-qa channel at irc.debian.org. You can also `report bugs `_ in GitLab's interface. When you report a bug, ensure you include detailed steps to reproduce it and any details that might be helpful in troubleshooting. If you are proposing a feature, please explain in detail how it would work, and keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement. If you do not know where to start, we have tasks suitable for newcomers: * `in Debian's bug tracker `_ * `in GitLab's bug tracker `_ There are mentors willing to review your changes with special care when you try to tackle those. Please remember that this is a volunteer-driven project, and that contributions are welcome. Contribute ---------- Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up distro-tracker for local development: Usual workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Create a guest account on `Salsa `_ (a GitLab instance run by the Debian project) by visiting this page: https://salsa.debian.org/users/sign_up Follow all the steps to confirm your email, fill your profile, `setup your SSH keys `_. You might want to have a look at `Salsa's documentation `_ and `GitLab's documentation `_ if you have doubts about something. Note that Debian Developers can skip this step as they already have an account on this service. 2. Visit the `project's page `_ and fork distro-tracker in your own account. See `GitLab's help `_. 3. Clone distro-tracker locally:: $ git clone git@salsa.debian.org:your-account/distro-tracker.git Note that ``your-account`` should be replaced by your Salsa's username. If you want to clone the project without creating any account then use this command:: $ git clone https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker.git 4. For a quick startup, run this command:: $ bin/quick-setup.sh It will install required packages with apt, put a sample configuration file in place and download a pre-built database file to save you some setup time. If you have more time and want to learn more about the configuration of distro tracker, follow the steps in the sections :ref:`setting-up` and :ref:`repositories`. .. warning:: Due to limitations of salsa.debian.org not allowing CI jobs taking longer than 3h, the pre-built database is no longer being generated. The script has thus been modified to run the commands to initialize the database and it will take a long time to run. 5. Start a local test server:: $ ./manage.py runserver [...] Starting development server at Quit the server with CONTROL-C. Visit the URL returned to have access to the test website. 6. Switch to a new branch:: $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature 7. Develop your new feature, ideally following the rules of :ref:`tdd`. 8. When you're done, check that all tests are succeeding in all supported platforms:: $ tox This basically runs ``./manage.py test django_email_accounts distro_tracker`` with multiple versions of Django and Python. .. note:: If you get errors like ``OSError: [Errno 38] Function not implemented``, then it means that you are lacking /dev/shm with proper permissions. 9. Push your branch to your repository:: $ git push -u origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature 10. Submit us your work, ideally by opening a `merge request `_. You can do this easily by visiting the distro-tracker project fork hosted in your own account (either through the “Branches” page, or through the “Merge requests” page). See `GitLab's help `_ if needed. Make sure to address any issue identified by the continuous integration system, the result of its “pipeline” can be directly seen in the merge request (and in the commits pushed in your own repository). If you don't have any Salsa account, you can generate patches and send them by email to the Debian Quality Assurance team:: $ git format-patch -o . origin/master $ mutt debian-qa@lists.debian.org -a *.patch .. _tdd: Test Driven Development ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have a look at `Test-Driven Web Development with Python `_ if you don't know yet about this development methodology. The suggested workflow looks like this: 1. Add a functional test that covers the new feature from the point of view of the user. This test will fail since the feature doesn't exist yet. 2. Think about what's the next step to let the functional test go further (i.e. fail later). 3. Write a failing unit test for the new code that you want to write. 4. Write the minimal code to make your unit test pass. You will typically run this very often:: $ ./manage.py test path-to-the-testing-folder 5. Refactor (if needed). You might have introduced some duplication in your code or in your tests. Clean that up now before it's too late. 6. Commit (optional). Commit together the (working) unit tests and the new code. 7. If you made progress from the functional tests point of view, go back to point 2, otherwise go back to point 3. If the functional test passes, continue. 8. Commit. The functional tests are committed at this point to ensure that they are committed in a working state:: $ git add . $ git commit When you don't develop a new feature, your workflow is restricted to steps 3 to 6. Conventions ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. In regard to coding style, we observe `PEP8 `_ with a few exceptions. 2. Functions are documented using docstrings with `Sphinx markup `_. 3. Imports are sorted in multiple groups separated by one empty line: first a group for ``__future__`` imports, then a single group for all the Python standard modules, then one group for each third-party module (and groups are sorted between them as well), followed by groups for the project modules (one group for ``distro_tracker`` and one group for ``django_email_accounts``), and last, one group for relative imports. Within each group the ``import foo`` statements are grouped and sorted at the top, while the ``from foo import bar`` statements are grouped and sorted at the end. Example: .. code-block:: python3 from __future__ import print_function import datetime import os from datetime import timedelta from email.utils import getaddresses, parseaddr from django.conf import settings from django.db import connection, models from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe import requests from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict from distro_tracker.core.models import SourcePackage from distro_tracker.core.utils import get_or_none from django_email_accounts.models import User Git commit notices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please invest some time to write good commit notices. Just like your code, you write it once but it will be read many times by different persons looking to understand why you made the change. So make it pleasant to read. The first line is the “summary” (or title) and describes briefly what the commit changes. It's followed by an empty line and a long description. The long description can be as long as you want and should explain why you implemented the change seen in the commit. The long description can also be used to close bugs by putting some pseudo-fields at the end of the description: * for a GitLab issue, use ``Fixes: #XX`` (this is a standard GitLab feature) * for a Debian bug, use ``Closes: #XXXXXX`` (this is implemented by a `webhook `_) Write access to the git repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Project (and Debian QA group) members `_ have write access to the main git repository. They can thus clone the repository with this URL:: $ git clone git@salsa.debian.org:qa/distro-tracker.git From there they can push their changes directly. They are however free to use a fork and request review anyway when they prefer.