1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


3# Copyright 2013-2018 The Distro Tracker Developers 

4# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution and 

5# at https://deb.li/DTAuthors 


7# This file is part of Distro Tracker. It is subject to the license terms 

8# in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this 

9# distribution and at https://deb.li/DTLicense. No part of Distro Tracker, 

10# including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed 

11# except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. 


13Distro Tracker tasks for the :mod:`distro_tracker.stdver_warnings` app. 



16from debian.debian_support import version_compare 


18from django.db import transaction 

19from django.db.models import Prefetch 


21from distro_tracker.core.models import ( 

22 ActionItem, 

23 ActionItemType, 

24 SourcePackageName 


26from distro_tracker.core.tasks import BaseTask 

27from distro_tracker.core.tasks.mixins import ( 

28 ProcessSrcRepoEntryInDefaultRepository 


30from distro_tracker.core.tasks.schedulers import IntervalScheduler 

31from distro_tracker.core.utils import get_or_none 



34class UpdateStandardsVersionWarnings(BaseTask, 

35 ProcessSrcRepoEntryInDefaultRepository): 

36 """ 

37 The task updates warnings for packages which have an outdated 

38 Standards-Version. 

39 """ 


41 class Scheduler(IntervalScheduler): 

42 interval = 3600 


44 ACTION_ITEM_TYPE = 'debian-std-ver-outdated' 


46 'stdver_warnings/standards-version-action-item.html' 

47 ITEM_DESCRIPTION = "Standards version of the package is outdated." 


49 def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs): 

50 super().initialize(*args, **kwargs) 

51 self.action_type = ActionItemType.objects.create_or_update( 

52 type_name=self.ACTION_ITEM_TYPE, 

53 full_description_template=self.FULL_DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE) 


55 def items_extend_queryset(self, queryset): 

56 queryset = super().items_extend_queryset(queryset) 

57 base_qs = ActionItem.objects.filter(item_type=self.action_type) 

58 return queryset.prefetch_related( 

59 Prefetch('source_package__source_package_name__action_items', 

60 queryset=base_qs, to_attr='stdver_action_items') 

61 ) 


63 def get_policy_version(self): 

64 """ 

65 :returns: The latest version of the ``debian-policy`` package. 

66 """ 

67 debian_policy = get_or_none(SourcePackageName, name='debian-policy') 

68 if not debian_policy: 68 ↛ 69line 68 didn't jump to line 69, because the condition on line 68 was never true

69 return 

70 policy_version = debian_policy.main_version.version 

71 # Minor patch level should be disregarded for the comparison 

72 if policy_version.count('.') == 3: 72 ↛ 75line 72 didn't jump to line 75, because the condition on line 72 was never false

73 policy_version, _ = policy_version.rsplit('.', 1) 


75 return policy_version 


77 def check_if_full_update_is_required(self, policy_version): 

78 last_policy_version = self.data.get('policy_version') 

79 if last_policy_version != policy_version: 79 ↛ exitline 79 didn't return from function 'check_if_full_update_is_required', because the condition on line 79 was never false

80 # Force a full update when a new policy version is released 

81 self.force_update = True 

82 self.data['policy_version'] = policy_version 

83 self.data_mark_modified() 


85 @transaction.atomic 

86 def execute_main(self): 

87 # Get the current policy version 

88 policy_version = self.get_policy_version() 

89 if policy_version is None: 89 ↛ 91line 89 didn't jump to line 91, because the condition on line 89 was never true

90 # Nothing to do if there is no ``debian-policy`` 

91 return 


93 self.check_if_full_update_is_required(policy_version) 


95 seen_packages = {} 

96 for entry in self.items_to_process(): 

97 try: 

98 package = entry.source_package.source_package_name 

99 standards_version = entry.source_package.standards_version 

100 try: 

101 if package.name in seen_packages: 

102 seen_version = seen_packages[package.name] 

103 version = entry.source_package.version 

104 if version_compare(version, seen_version) < 0: 104 ↛ 109line 104 didn't jump to line 109, because the condition on line 104 was never false

105 # This version is older, skip it 

106 continue 

107 # If already seen, then the cached action item 

108 # is no longer reliable, retrieve it from the db 

109 action_item = get_or_none(ActionItem, package=package, 

110 item_type=self.action_type) 

111 else: 

112 action_item = package.stdver_action_items[0] 

113 except IndexError: 

114 action_item = None 

115 seen_packages[package.name] = entry.source_package.version 


117 if standards_version.startswith(policy_version): 

118 # The std-ver of the package is up to date. 

119 # Remove any possibly existing action item. 

120 if action_item is not None: 

121 action_item.delete() 

122 continue 


124 major_policy_version_number, _ = policy_version.split('.', 1) 

125 severely_outdated = not standards_version.startswith( 

126 major_policy_version_number) 


128 if action_item is None: 

129 action_item = ActionItem( 

130 package=package, 

131 item_type=self.action_type) 


133 if severely_outdated: 

134 action_item.severity = ActionItem.SEVERITY_HIGH 

135 else: 

136 action_item.severity = ActionItem.SEVERITY_WISHLIST 


138 action_item.short_description = self.ITEM_DESCRIPTION 

139 action_item.extra_data = { 

140 'lastsv': policy_version, 

141 'lastsv_dashes': policy_version.replace('.', '-'), 

142 'standards_version': standards_version, 

143 'standards_version_dashes': 

144 standards_version.replace('.', '-'), 

145 'severely_outdated': severely_outdated, 

146 } 

147 action_item.save() 

148 finally: 

149 self.item_mark_processed(entry) 


151 # Remove action items for packages that disappeared from the default 

152 # repository 

153 ActionItem.objects.delete_obsolete_items( 

154 [self.action_type], 

155 self.items_all().values_list( 

156 'source_package__source_package_name__name', flat=True) 

157 )