Source code for distro_tracker.core.package_tables

# Copyright 2018 The Distro Tracker Developers
# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution and
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# This file is part of Distro Tracker. It is subject to the license terms
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"""Implements the core package tables shown on team pages."""
import importlib
import logging

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Prefetch
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.template.loader import get_template

from distro_tracker import vendor
from distro_tracker.core.models import (
from distro_tracker.core.utils import add_developer_extras, get_vcs_name
from distro_tracker.core.utils.plugins import PluginRegistry

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseTableField(metaclass=PluginRegistry): """ A base class representing fields to be displayed on package tables. To create a new field for packages table, users only need to create a subclass and implement the necessary properties and methods. .. note:: To make sure the subclass is loaded, make sure to put it in a ``tracker_package_tables`` module at the top level of a Django app. """
[docs] def context(self, package): """ Should return a dictionary representing context variables necessary for the package table field. When the field's template is rendered, it will have access to the values in this dictionary. """ return {}
@property def column_name(): """ The column name for the field """ return '' @property def template_name(self): """ If the field has a corresponding template which is used to render its HTML output, this property should contain the name of this template. """ return None
[docs] def render(self, package, context=None, request=None): """ Render the field's HTML output for the given package. """ if not hasattr(self, '_template'): self._template = get_template(self.template_name) if context is None: context = {self.slug: self.context(package)} return self._template.render(context, request)
@property def prefetch_related_lookups(): """ Returns a list of lookups to be prefetched along with Table's QuerySet of packages. Elements may be either a String or Prefetch object """ return []
[docs]class GeneralInformationTableField(BaseTableField): """ This table field displays general information to identify a package. It displays the package's name in the cell and the following information on details popup - name - short description - version (in the default repository) - maintainer - uploaders - architectures - standards version - binaries """ column_name = 'Package' slug = 'general' template_name = 'core/package-table-fields/general.html' prefetch_related_lookups = [ Prefetch( 'data', queryset=PackageData.objects.filter(key='general'), to_attr='general_data' ), Prefetch( 'data', queryset=PackageData.objects.filter(key='binaries'), to_attr='binaries_data' ), ]
[docs] def context(self, package): try: info = package.general_data[0] except IndexError: # There is no general info for the package return { 'url': package.get_absolute_url, 'name': } general = info.value general['url'] = package.get_absolute_url # Add developer information links and any other vendor-specific extras general = add_developer_extras(general, url_only=True) try: info = package.binaries_data[0] general['binaries'] = info.value except IndexError: general['binaries'] = [] return general
[docs]class VcsTableField(BaseTableField): """ This table field displays information regarding the package VCS repository. It is customizable to enable vendors to add specific data regarding the package's vcs repository. The default behavior is to display the package's repository type with a (browser) link to it. A vendor can provide a :data:`DISTRO_TRACKER_VCS_TABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE <distro_tracker.project.local_settings.DISTRO_TRACKER_VCS_TABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE>` settings value which gives the path to a template which should be used to render the field. It is recommended that this template extends ``core/package-table-fields/vcs.html``, but not mandatory. If a custom :func:`get_vcs_data <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_vcs_data>` function in order to provide custom data to be displayed in the field. Refer to the function's documentation for the format of the return value. If this function is defined then its return value is simply passed to the template and does not require any special format; the vendor's template can access this value in the ``field.context`` context variable and can use it any way it wants. To avoid performance issues, if :func:`get_vcs_data <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_vcs_data>` function depends on data from other database tables than packages, the vendor app should also implement the :func:`additional_prefetch_related_lookups <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.additional_prefetch_related_lookups>` """ column_name = 'VCS' slug = 'vcs' _default_template_name = 'core/package-table-fields/vcs.html' prefetch_related_lookups = [ Prefetch( 'data', queryset=PackageData.objects.filter(key='general'), to_attr='general_data' ) ] @property def template_name(self): return getattr( settings, 'DISTRO_TRACKER_VCS_TABLE_FIELD_TEMPLATE', self._default_template_name)
[docs] def context(self, package): try: info = package.general_data[0] except IndexError: # There is no general info for the package return general = {} if 'vcs' in info.value: general['vcs'] = info.value['vcs'] # Map the VCS type to its name. shorthand = general['vcs'].get('type', 'Unknown') general['vcs']['full_name'] = get_vcs_name(shorthand) result, implemented = 'get_vcs_data', package) if implemented: general.update(result) return general
[docs]class ArchiveTableField(BaseTableField): """ This table field displays information regarding the package version on archive. It displays the package's version on archive """ column_name = 'Archive' slug = 'archive' template_name = 'core/package-table-fields/archive.html' prefetch_related_lookups = [ Prefetch( 'data', queryset=PackageData.objects.filter(key='general'), to_attr='general_data' ), Prefetch( 'data', queryset=PackageData.objects.filter(key='versions'), to_attr='versions' ) ]
[docs] def context(self, package): try: info = package.general_data[0] except IndexError: # There is no general info for the package return general = {} if 'version' in info.value: general['version'] = info.value['version'] try: info = package.versions[0].value general['default_pool_url'] = info['default_pool_url'] except IndexError: # There is no versions info for the package general['default_pool_url'] = '#' return general
[docs]class BugStatsTableField(BaseTableField, BugDisplayManagerMixin): """ This table field displays bug statistics for the package. It is customizable to enable vendors to add specific data. The default behavior defined by :class:`BugDisplayManager <distro_tracker.core.models.BugDisplayManager>` is to display the number of bugs for a package. It also shows the bugs categories on popover content. A vendor may provide a custom way of displaying bugs data in packages tables by implementing :func:`get_bug_display_manager_class <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_bug_display_manager_class>` function in order to provide a custom class to handle the bugs data presentation. Refer to the function's documentation for the format of the return value. To avoid performance issues, if additional database lookups are required to display custom bugs data, the vendor app should also implement the :func:`additional_prefetch_related_lookups <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.additional_prefetch_related_lookups>` """ column_name = 'Bugs' slug = 'bugs' prefetch_related_lookups = ['bug_stats'] @property def template_name(self): return self.bug_manager.table_field_template_name
[docs] def context(self, package): return self.bug_manager.table_field_context(package)
[docs]class BasePackageTable(metaclass=PluginRegistry): """ A base class representing package tables which are displayed on a team page. To include a package table on the team page, users only need to create a subclass and implement the necessary properties and methods. .. note:: To make sure the subclass is loaded, make sure to put it in a ``tracker_package_tables`` module at the top level of a Django app. The following vendor-specific functions can be implemented to augment this table: - :func:`get_table_fields <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_table_fields>` """ #: The slug of the table which is used to define its url. #: Must be overriden and set to a unique non-empty value. slug = None def __init__(self, scope, title=None, limit=None, tag=None): """ :param scope: a convenient object that can be used to define the list of packages to be displayed on the table. For instance, if you want to consider all the packages of a specific team, you must pass that team through the `scope` attribute to allow the method :meth:`packages` to access it to define the packages to be presented. :param title: a string to be displayed instead of the default title :param limit: an integer that can be used to define the max number of packages to be displayed :param tag: if defined, it is used to display only packages tagged with the informed tag """ self.scope = scope self._title = title self.limit = limit self.tag = tag if tag and not tag.startswith('tag:'): self.tag = 'tag:' + tag
[docs] def context(self): """ Should return a dictionary representing context variables necessary for the package table. When the table's template is rendered, it will have access to the values in this dictionary. """ return {}
@property def default_title(self): """ The default title of the table. """ return '' @property def title(self): """ The title of the table. """ if self._title: return self._title elif self.tag: # TODO: need better design data = PackageData.objects.filter(key=self.tag).first() if data and 'table_title' in data.value: return data.value['table_title'] return self.default_title @property def relative_url(self, **kwargs): """ The relative url for the table. """ url = '+table/' + self.slug if self.tag: tag = self.tag[4:] url = url + '?tag=' + tag return url @property def packages_with_prefetch_related(self): """ Returns the list of packages with prefetched relationships defined by table fields """ attributes_name = set() package_query_set = self.packages for field in self.table_fields: for lookup in field.prefetch_related_lookups: if isinstance(lookup, Prefetch): if lookup.to_attr in attributes_name: continue else: attributes_name.add(lookup.to_attr) package_query_set = package_query_set.prefetch_related(lookup) additional_data, implemented = 'additional_prefetch_related_lookups' ) if implemented and additional_data: for lookup in additional_data: package_query_set = package_query_set.prefetch_related(lookup) return package_query_set @property def packages(self): """ Returns the list of packages shown in the table. One may define this based on the scope """ return PackageName.objects.all().order_by('name') @property def column_names(self): """ Returns a list of column names that will compose the table in the proper order """ names = [] for field in self.table_fields: names.append(field.column_name) return names @property def default_fields(self): """ Returns a list of default :class:`BaseTableField` that will compose the table """ return [ GeneralInformationTableField, VcsTableField, ArchiveTableField, BugStatsTableField, ] @property def table_fields(self): """ Returns the tuple of :class:`BaseTableField` that will compose the table """ fields, implemented ='get_table_fields', **{ 'table': self, }) if implemented and fields: return tuple(fields) else: return tuple(self.default_fields) @property def rows(self): """ Returns the content of the table's rows, where each row has the list of :class:`BaseTableField` for each package """ rows = [] packages = self.packages_with_prefetch_related if self.limit: packages = packages[:self.limit] template = self.get_row_template() fields = [f() for f in self.table_fields] context = {} for package in packages: context['package'] = package for field in fields: context[field.slug] = field.context(package) rows.append(template.render(Context(context))) return rows @property def number_of_packages(self): """ Returns the number of packages displayed in the table """ if hasattr(self.packages_with_prefetch_related, 'count'): return self.packages_with_prefetch_related.count() else: return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def get_template_content(template_name): with open(get_template(template_name) as f: return
[docs] def get_row_template(self): template = "<tr scope='row'>\n" for f in self.table_fields: template += "<td class='center' scope='col'>" template += self.get_template_content(f().template_name) template += "</td>\n" template += "</tr>\n" return Template(template)
[docs]def create_table(slug, scope, title=None, limit=None, tag=None): """ A helper function to create packages table. The table class is defined through the `slug`. If no children class of :class:`BasePackageTable` exists with the given slug, the function returns `None`. :returns: an instance of the table created with the informed params :rtype: :class:`BasePackageTable` """ for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try: module_name = app + '.' + 'tracker_package_tables' importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: # The app does not implement package tables. pass if limit: limit = int(limit) for table_class in BasePackageTable.plugins: if table_class is not BasePackageTable: if table_class.slug == slug: return table_class(scope, title=title, limit=limit, tag=tag) return None
[docs]class GeneralTeamPackageTable(BasePackageTable): """ This table displays the packages information of a team in a simple fashion. It must receive a :class:`Team <distro_tracker.core.models.Team>` as scope """ default_title = "All team packages" slug = 'general' @property def packages(self): """ Returns the list of packages shown in the table of a team (scope) """ if self.tag: return self.scope.packages.filter( data__key=self.tag).order_by('name') else: return self.scope.packages.all().order_by('name')