Source code for distro_tracker.core.panels

# Copyright 2013 The Distro Tracker Developers
# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution and
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# This file is part of Distro Tracker. It is subject to the license terms
# in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
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"""Implements the core panels shown on package pages."""
import importlib
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

from debian.debian_support import AptPkgVersion

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from distro_tracker import vendor
from distro_tracker.core.models import (
from distro_tracker.core.templatetags.distro_tracker_extras import octicon
from distro_tracker.core.utils import (
from distro_tracker.core.utils.plugins import PluginRegistry

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BasePanel(metaclass=PluginRegistry): """ A base class representing panels which are displayed on a package page. To include a panel on the package page, users only need to create a subclass and implement the necessary properties and methods. .. note:: To make sure the subclass is loaded, make sure to put it in a ``tracker_panels`` module at the top level of a Django app. """ #: A list of available positions # NOTE: This is a good candidate for Python3.4's Enum. POSITIONS = ( 'left', 'center', 'right', ) def __init__(self, package, request): self.package = package self.request = request @property def context(self): """ Should return a dictionary representing context variables necessary for the panel. When the panel's template is rendered, it will have access to the values in this dictionary. """ return {} @property def position(self): """ The property should be one of the available :attr:`POSITIONS` signalling where the panel should be positioned in the page. """ return 'center' @property def title(self): """ The title of the panel. """ return '' @property def template_name(self): """ If the panel has a corresponding template which is used to render its HTML output, this property should contain the name of this template. """ return None @property def html_output(self): """ If the panel does not want to use a template, it can return rendered HTML in this property. The HTML needs to be marked safe or else it will be escaped in the final output. """ return None @property def panel_importance(self): """ Returns and integer giving the importance of a package. The panels in a single column are always positioned in decreasing importance order. """ return 0 @property def has_content(self): """ Returns a bool indicating whether the panel actually has any content to display for the package. """ return True
[docs]def get_panels_for_package(package, request): """ A convenience method which accesses the :class:`BasePanel`'s list of children and instantiates them for the given package. :returns: A dict mapping the page position to a list of Panels which should be rendered in that position. :rtype: dict """ # First import panels from installed apps. for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try: module_name = app + '.' + 'tracker_panels' importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: # The app does not implement package panels. pass panels = defaultdict(lambda: []) for panel_class in BasePanel.plugins: if panel_class is not BasePanel: panel = panel_class(package, request) if panel.has_content: panels[panel.position].append(panel) # Each columns' panels are sorted in the order of decreasing importance return dict({ key: list(sorted(value, key=lambda x: -x.panel_importance)) for key, value in panels.items() })
[docs]class GeneralInformationPanel(BasePanel): """ This panel displays general information regarding a package. - name - component - version (in the default repository) - maintainer - uploaders - architectures - standards version - VCS Several vendor-specific functions can be implemented which augment this panel: - :func:`get_developer_information_url <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_developer_information_url>` - :func:`get_maintainer_extra <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_maintainer_extra>` - :func:`get_uploader_extra <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_uploader_extra>` """ position = 'left' title = 'general' template_name = 'core/panels/general.html' def _get_archive_url_info(self, email): ml = MailingList.objects.get_by_email(email) if ml: return ml.archive_url_for_email(email) def _add_archive_urls(self, general): maintainer_email = general['maintainer']['email'] general['maintainer']['archive_url'] = ( self._get_archive_url_info(maintainer_email) ) uploaders = general.get('uploaders', None) if not uploaders: return for uploader in uploaders: uploader['archive_url'] = ( self._get_archive_url_info(uploader['email']) ) @cached_property def context(self): try: info = PackageData.objects.get(package=self.package, key='general') except PackageData.DoesNotExist: # There is no general info for the package return general = info.value # Add source package URL url, implemented ='get_package_information_site_url', **{ 'package_name': general['name'], 'source_package': True, }) if implemented and url: general['url'] = url # Map the VCS type to its name. if 'vcs' in general: shorthand = general['vcs'].get('type', 'unknown') general['vcs']['full_name'] = get_vcs_name(shorthand) # Add vcs extra links (including Vcs-Browser) try: vcs_extra_links = PackageData.objects.get( package=self.package, key='vcs_extra_links').value except PackageData.DoesNotExist: vcs_extra_links = {} if 'browser' in general['vcs']: vcs_extra_links['Browse'] = general['vcs']['browser'] vcs_extra_links.pop('checksum', None) general['vcs']['extra_links'] = [ (key, vcs_extra_links[key]) for key in sorted(vcs_extra_links.keys()) ] # Add mailing list archive URLs self._add_archive_urls(general) # Add developer information links and any other vendor-specific extras general = add_developer_extras(general) return general @property def has_content(self): return bool(self.context)
[docs]class VersionsInformationPanel(BasePanel): """ This panel displays the versions of the package in each of the repositories it is found in. Several vendor-specific functions can be implemented which augment this panel: - :func:`get_package_information_site_url <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_package_information_site_url>` - :func:`get_external_version_information_urls <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_external_version_information_urls>` """ position = 'left' title = 'versions' template_name = 'core/panels/versions.html' @cached_property def context(self): try: info = PackageData.objects.get( package=self.package, key='versions') except PackageData.DoesNotExist: info = None context = {} if info: version_info = info.value package_name = for item in version_info.get('version_list', ()): url, implemented = 'get_package_information_site_url', ** {'package_name': package_name, 'repository': item.get( 'repository'), 'source_package': True, 'version': item.get('version'), }) if implemented and url: item['url'] = url context['version_info'] = version_info # Add in any external version resource links external_resources, implemented = ('get_external_version_information_urls', ) if implemented and external_resources: context['external_resources'] = external_resources # Add any vendor-provided versions vendor_versions, implemented = 'get_extra_versions', self.package) if implemented and vendor_versions: context['vendor_versions'] = vendor_versions return context @property def has_content(self): return (bool(self.context.get('version_info', None)) or bool(self.context.get('vendor_versions', None)))
[docs]class DscLinkProvider(VersionedLinks.LinkProvider): icons = [ octicon('desktop-download', '.dsc, use dget on this link to retrieve source package'), ]
[docs]class BinariesInformationPanel(BasePanel, BugDisplayManagerMixin): """ This panel displays a list of binary package names which a given source package produces. If there are existing bug statistics for some of the binary packages, a list of bug counts is also displayed. If implemented, the following functions can augment the information of this panel: - :func:`get_package_information_site_url <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_package_information_site_url>` provides the link used for each binary package name. - :func:`get_bug_display_manager_class <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_bug_display_manager_class>` provides a custom class to handle which bug statistics for a given binary package must be displayed as a list of bug counts for different categories. This is useful if, for example, the vendor wants to display only a small set of categories rather than all stats found in the database. Refer to the function's documentation for the format of the return value. """ position = 'left' title = 'binaries' template_name = 'core/panels/binaries.html' def _get_binary_bug_stats(self, binary_name): bug_stats = self.bug_manager.get_binary_bug_stats(binary_name) if bug_stats is None: return # Try to get the URL to the bug tracker for the given categories for category in bug_stats: url = self.bug_manager.get_bug_tracker_url( binary_name, 'binary', category['category_name']) if not url: continue category['url'] = url # Include the total bug count and corresponding tracker URL all_bugs_url = self.bug_manager.get_bug_tracker_url( binary_name, 'binary', 'all') return { 'total_count': sum( category['bug_count'] for category in bug_stats), 'all_bugs_url': all_bugs_url, 'categories': bug_stats, } @cached_property def context(self): try: info = PackageData.objects.get( package=self.package, key='binaries') except PackageData.DoesNotExist: return binaries = info.value for binary in binaries: # For each binary try to include known bug stats bug_stats = self._get_binary_bug_stats(binary['name']) if bug_stats is not None: binary['bug_stats'] = bug_stats # For each binary try to include a link to an external package-info # site. if 'repository' in binary: url, implemented = 'get_package_information_site_url', **{ 'package_name': binary['name'], 'repository': binary['repository'], 'source_package': False, } ) if implemented and url: binary['url'] = url return binaries @property def has_content(self): return bool(self.context)
[docs]class PanelItem(object): """ The base class for all items embeddable in panels. Lets the users define the panel item's content in two ways: - A template and a context accessible to the template as item.context variable - Define the HTML output directly. This string needs to be marked safe, otherwise it will be HTML encoded in the output. """ #: The template to render when this item should be rendered template_name = None #: Context to be available when the template is rendered context = None #: HTML output to be placed in the page when the item should be rendered html_output = None
[docs]class TemplatePanelItem(PanelItem): """ A subclass of :class:`PanelItem` which gives a more convenient interface for defining items rendered by a template + context. """ def __init__(self, template_name, context=None): self.template_name = template_name self.context = context
[docs]class HtmlPanelItem(PanelItem): """ A subclass of :class:`PanelItem` which gives a more convenient interface for defining items which already provide HTML text. Takes care of marking the given text as safe. """ def __init__(self, html): self._html = mark_safe(html) @property def html_output(self): return self._html
[docs]class PanelItemProvider(metaclass=PluginRegistry): """ A base class for classes which produce :class:`PanelItem` instances. Each panel which wishes to allow clients to register item providers needs a separate subclass of this class. """
[docs] @classmethod def all_panel_item_providers(cls): """ Returns all subclasses of the given :class:`PanelItemProvider` subclass. Makes it possible for each :class:`ListPanel` to have its own separate set of providers derived from its base ItemProvider. """ result = [] for item_provider in cls.plugins: if not issubclass(item_provider, cls): continue # Not returning items from non-installed apps if not any([str(item_provider.__module__).startswith(a) for a in settings.INSTALLED_APPS]): continue result.append(item_provider) return result
def __init__(self, package): self.package = package
[docs] def get_panel_items(self): """ The main method which needs to return a list of :class:`PanelItem` instances which the provider wants rendered in the panel. """ return []
[docs]class ListPanelMeta(PluginRegistry): """ A meta class for the :class:`ListPanel`. Makes sure that each subclass of :class:`ListPanel` has a new :class:`PanelItemProvider` subclass. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): # noqa super(ListPanelMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) if name != 'NewBase': cls.ItemProvider = type( str('{name}ItemProvider'.format(name=name)), (PanelItemProvider,), {} )
[docs]class ListPanel(BasePanel, metaclass=ListPanelMeta): """ The base class for panels which would like to present an extensible list of items. The subclasses only need to add the :attr:`position <BasePanel.position>` and :attr:`title <BasePanel.title>` attributes, the rendering is handled automatically, based on the registered list of item providers for the panel. Clients can add items to the panel by implementing a subclass of the :class:`ListPanel.ItemProvider` class. It is possible to change the :attr:`template_name <BasePanel.template_name>` too, but making sure all the same context variable names are used in the custom template. """ template_name = 'core/panels/list-panel.html'
[docs] def get_items(self): """ Returns a list of :class:`PanelItem` instances for the current panel instance. This means the items are prepared for the package given to the panel instance. """ panel_providers = self.ItemProvider.all_panel_item_providers() items = [] for panel_provider_class in panel_providers: panel_provider = panel_provider_class(self.package) try: new_panel_items = panel_provider.get_panel_items() except Exception: logger.exception('Panel provider %s: error generating items.', panel_provider.__class__) continue if new_panel_items is not None: items.extend(new_panel_items) return items
@cached_property def context(self): return { 'items': self.get_items() } @property def has_content(self): return bool(self.context['items'])
# This should be a sort of "abstract" panel which should never be rendered on # its own, so it is removed from the list of registered panels. ListPanel.unregister_plugin()
[docs]class LinksPanel(ListPanel): """ This panel displays a list of important links for a given source package. Clients can add items to the panel by implementing a subclass of the :class:`LinksPanel.ItemProvider` class. """ position = 'right' title = 'links'
[docs] class SimpleLinkItem(HtmlPanelItem): """ A convenience :class:`PanelItem` which renders a simple link in the panel, by having the text, url and, optionally, the tooltip text given in the constructor. """ TEMPLATE = '<a href="{url}">{text}</a>' TEMPLATE_TOOLTIP = '<a href="{url}" title="{title}">{text}</a>' def __init__(self, text, url, title=None): if title: template = self.TEMPLATE_TOOLTIP else: template = self.TEMPLATE html = template.format(text=text, url=url, title=title) super(LinksPanel.SimpleLinkItem, self).__init__(html)
[docs]class GeneralInfoLinkPanelItems(LinksPanel.ItemProvider): """ Provides the :class:`LinksPanel` with links derived from general package information. For now, this is only the homepage of the package, if available. """
[docs] def get_panel_items(self): items = [] if hasattr(self.package, 'main_version') and self.package.main_version \ and self.package.main_version.homepage: items.append( LinksPanel.SimpleLinkItem( 'homepage', self.package.main_version.homepage, 'upstream web homepage' ), ) return items
[docs]class NewsPanel(BasePanel): _DEFAULT_NEWS_LIMIT = 30 panel_importance = 1 NEWS_LIMIT = getattr( settings, 'DISTRO_TRACKER_NEWS_PANEL_LIMIT', _DEFAULT_NEWS_LIMIT) template_name = 'core/panels/news.html' title = 'news' @cached_property def context(self): news = News.objects.prefetch_related('signed_by') news = news.filter(package=self.package).order_by('-datetime_created') news = list(news[:self.NEWS_LIMIT]) more_pages = len(news) == self.NEWS_LIMIT return { 'news': news, 'has_more': more_pages } @property def has_content(self): return bool(self.context['news'])
[docs]class BugsPanel(BasePanel, BugDisplayManagerMixin): """ The panel displays bug statistics for the package. This panel is highly customizable to make sure that Distro Tracker can be integrated with any bug tracker. The default for the package is to display the bug count for all bug categories found in the :class:`PackageBugStats <distro_tracker.core.models.PackageBugStats>` instance which corresponds to the package. The sum of all bugs from all categories is also displayed as the first row of the panel. Such behavior is defined by :class:`BugDisplayManager <distro_tracker.core.models.BugDisplayManager>` class. A vendor may provide a custom way of displaying bugs data in bugs panel by implementing :func:`get_bug_display_manager_class <distro_tracker.vendor.skeleton.rules.get_bug_display_manager_class>` function. This is useful if, for example, the vendor does not want to display the count of all bug categories. Refer to the function's documentation for the format of the return value. This customization should be used only by vendors whose bug statistics have a significantly different format than the expected ``category: count`` format. """ position = 'right' title = 'bugs' panel_importance = 1 @property def template_name(self): return self.bug_manager.panel_template_name @cached_property def context(self): return self.bug_manager.panel_context(self.package) @property def has_content(self): return bool(self.context)
[docs]class ActionNeededPanel(BasePanel): """ The panel displays a list of :class:`ActionItem <distro_tracker.core.models.ActionItem>` model instances which are associated with the package. This means that all other modules can create action items which are displayed for a package in this panel by creating instances of that class. """ title = 'action needed' template_name = 'core/panels/action-needed.html' panel_importance = 5 position = 'center' @cached_property def context(self): action_items = ActionItem.objects.filter(package=self.package) action_items = action_items.order_by( '-severity', '-last_updated_timestamp') return { 'items': action_items, } @property def has_content(self): return bool(self.context['items'])
[docs]class DeadPackageWarningPanel(BasePanel): """ The panel displays a warning when the package has been dropped from development repositories, and another one when the package no longer exists in any repository. """ title = 'package is gone' template_name = 'core/panels/package-is-gone.html' panel_importance = 9 position = 'center' @property def has_content(self): if isinstance(self.package, SourcePackageName): for repo in self.package.repositories: if repo.is_development_repository(): return False return True elif isinstance(self.package, PseudoPackageName): return False else: return True @cached_property def context(self): if isinstance(self.package, SourcePackageName): disappeared = len(self.package.repositories) == 0 else: disappeared = True return { 'disappeared': disappeared, 'removals_url': getattr(settings, 'DISTRO_TRACKER_REMOVALS_URL', ''), }