# Copyright 2013 The Distro Tracker Developers
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Module for encoding and decoding Variable Envelope Return Path addresses.
It is implemented following the recommendations laid out in
`VERP <https://cr.yp.to/proto/verp.txt>`_ and
>>> from distro_tracker.core.utils import verp
>>> str(verp.encode('itny-out@domain.com', 'node42!ann@old.example.com'))
>>> map(str, decode('itny-out-node42+21ann=old.example.com@domain.com'))
['itny-out@domain.com', 'node42!ann@old.example.com']
__all__ = ('encode', 'decode')
_CHARACTERS = ('@', ':', '%', '!', '-', '[', ']', '+')
char: '+{val:0X}'.format(val=ord(char))
for char in _CHARACTERS
[docs]def encode(sender_address, recipient_address, separator='-'):
Encodes ``sender_address``, ``recipient_address`` to a VERP compliant
address to be used as the envelope-from (return-path) address.
:param sender_address: The email address of the sender
:type sender_address: string
:param recipient_address: The email address of the recipient
:type recipient_address: string
:param separator: The separator to be used between the sender's local
part and the encoded recipient's local part in the resulting
VERP address.
:rtype: string
>>> str(encode('itny-out@domain.com', 'node42!ann@old.example.com'))
>>> str(encode('itny-out@domain.com', 'tom@old.example.com'))
>>> str(encode('itny-out@domain.com', 'dave+priority@new.example.com'))
>>> str(encode('bounce@dom.com', 'user+!%-:@[]+@other.com'))
# Split the addresses in two parts based on the last occurrence of '@'
slocal, sdomain = sender_address.rsplit('@', 1)
rlocal, rdomain = recipient_address.rsplit('@', 1)
# Encode recipient parts by replacing relevant characters
encoderlocal, encoderdomain = map(_encode_chars, (rlocal, rdomain))
# Putting it all together
return _RETURN_ADDRESS_TEMPLATE.format(slocal=slocal,
[docs]def decode(verp_address, separator='-'):
Decodes the given VERP encoded from address and returns the original
sender address and recipient address, returning them as a tuple.
:param verp_address: The return path address
:type sender_address: string
:param separator: The separator to be expected between the sender's local
part and the encoded recipient's local part in the given
>>> from_email, to_email = 'bounce@domain.com', 'user@other.com'
>>> decode(encode(from_email, to_email)) == (from_email, to_email)
>>> map(str, decode('itny-out-dave+2Bpriority=new.example.com@domain.com'))
['itny-out@domain.com', 'dave+priority@new.example.com']
>>> map(str, decode('itny-out-node42+21ann=old.example.com@domain.com'))
['itny-out@domain.com', 'node42!ann@old.example.com']
>>> map(str, decode('bounce-addr+2B40=dom.com@asdf.com'))
['bounce@asdf.com', 'addr+40@dom.com']
>>> s = 'bounce-user+2B+21+25+2D+3A+40+5B+5D+2B=other.com@dom.com'
>>> str(decode(s)[1])
left_part, sdomain = verp_address.rsplit('@', 1)
left_part, encodedrdomain = left_part.rsplit('=', 1)
slocal, encodedrlocal = left_part.rsplit(separator, 1)
rlocal, rdomain = map(_decode_chars, (encodedrlocal, encodedrdomain))
return (slocal + '@' + sdomain, rlocal + '@' + rdomain)
def _encode_chars(address):
Helper function to replace the special characters in the recipient's
return ''.join(_ENCODE_MAPPINGS.get(char, char) for char in address)
def _decode_chars(address):
Helper function to replace the encoded special characters with their
regular character representation.
for char in _CHARACTERS:
address = address.replace(_ENCODE_MAPPINGS[char], char)
address = address.replace(_ENCODE_MAPPINGS[char].lower(), char)
return address
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest