Setting up the package repositories

In order to do its work, distro-tracker must know the repositories to watch. And among those you should define a default repository that will be used in priority for package specific information.

With the admin web interface

To access the admin web interface, you will first need to create an account:

$ ./ createsuperuser

You should now be able to configure the repositories from the admin web interface, which is accessible as “/admin/” in the package tracker website.

Make sure that you create repositories with “sources” enabled as almost everything is based on source packages, and do not forget to check the “default repository” checkbox for one of the repositories you just added.

With a fixture

If you want to configure you package tracker to have all the repositories like on, you can load a fixture:

$ ./ loaddata distro_tracker/core/fixtures/debian-repositories.xml

Initial scan

Once the repositories have been setup, you should run an initial scan:

$ ./ tracker_update_repositories

This might take a very long time…